How to Create a WishList: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a step-by-step guide that shows you exactly how to create a WishList.

WishListing is the new way to shop online. You’ve probably heard of it already — since you’re reading this “how-to” article — but if you want a little more info and context, check out this article. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss how to create a WishList, invite your friends, and share your WishList with the world. Ready to get started? Here we go!

Step 1: Create an Account or Log In

If you do not have an account yet, head to the website and click on the Sign-Up button in the upper right corner. You can join with Google, Facebook, or the old fashion way — with your name and email (you’ll need to verify your email address). If needed, there is a link at the end of the article that’ll guide you right to the website. 

 Sign Up Page

If you already have an account, log in to get started.

Step 2: Create Your First WishList

Once you are logged into your account, click on “Create WishList” in the navigation bar and then create a name for it. 

Decide whether your WishList is going to be private (only those you share it with) or if it’ll be public (visible to everyone and shareable on social media).

Next, enter a description. This can be as simple or detailed as you want it to be. If you plan on making a public WishList, consider including information about why you created it and how to contact you if people have suggestions.

If you already know who you want to add, you can add their emails and invite them to your WishList directy.

At the bottom of the page, you see three switches that you can toggle on and off. These are the options you are setting for your access to your WishList. You decide if you want them to like or dislike the products, add products, delete products, or none of those options.

Select member permissions

Click finish. Once you do, you’ll see a message in the top right corner that says “Successfully added a WishList.” Now the fun really begins!

Message will appear once successfully create

Step 3: Invite your Friends and Family

As previously mentioned, when you create a new list, you can add the email address of your family and friends and invite them while you’re creating the WishList. But, if you forget, adding someone to an existing WishList is simple.

Once you are logged in, click on “My WishList” from the navigation bar.

Navigation Bar

You’ll now be able to see all of your WishList, private or public. Click on the one you wish to invite people to, and once inside, click the invite icon.

Add People 

Now all you have to do is type in the email address with a brief description and click invite.

Step 4: Start WishListing

Now that you have your WishList created and sent out your invitations, it’s time to go WishListing! Using the search bar in the header, type in product names, descriptions, or anything else you’re looking for.

Once you find a product that you are interested in, click on it. Then, select the “Add” button and choose the WishList you want the product to go into. You will see a message in the top right corner to confirm it’s been added.

Successfully Added Products

Add as many items as you’d like. Your friends can help you decide which ones are the best to purchase.

Step 5: Share Your WishList(optional)

There may be occasions when you want to share your WishList with your followers. Perhaps you’re a beast at rock climbing and you want to tell everyone which gear they should get, or perhaps you’re an interior designer with a following and you keep getting requests to share your favorite seasonal decoration ideas. The best way to share that info in masses is to create a WishList and share it.

You can share any (public) WishList within a few clicks. Just go to the one you want to share and click the share icon. You can quickly share the link on your favorite social media accounts or anywhere else you can think of. 

Final Thoughts

Our platform is ushering in a new paradigm in online shopping. No longer should you waste time sending hyperlinks back and forth asking for advice or choosing a gift for another person. By creating WishList on our site, you and anyone you invite can collaborate, exchange information and ideas, and choose the best product(s) for any occasion.

With the chat function (and eventually video chat function), out site is making online shopping relational and fun.

This step-by-step guide gave you all the info you need on how to create a WishList, invite your friends, and share it with the world.

Now, let’s go!