Online Shopping Reimagined.

Remember when going to the mall was a thing we did together in person and in the same space? Well, thanks to busy schedules, new technology, and the pandemic, life as we know it has changed — almost everything is purchased online.

CoCarting was designed to transition online shopping into a virtual “shopping” event. You can now reconnect with groups of trusted friends and family in a fun, interactive, and real-time shopping experience — anywhere, anytime.

Family chat


We want to transition shopping into relationship building activities.


We aim to create the first digital arena to create an online shopping experience through human connection.

Our Story

When our founder, Lily Meng, learned that she was going to be a first-time auntie, she couldn’t wait to shower her newborn niece with adorable baby outfits, toys, and all the nursery rhyme cuteness that follows. She wanted to go shopping with her sister-in-law to help dress (and spoil) the new family member, but they were halfway around the world from one another!

She soon realized her sister-in-law, a sleep deprived new mother, barely had time to reply to a text message, let alone go down the rabbit hole laundry list of hyperlinks to baby clothes. Her longing for connection, frustration, along with witnessing the pandemic-related isolation within her own family, inspired her to create CoCarting — a destination to engage her global community of friends and family, help them all keep connected, and shop with and for one another no matter where — day or night.